Wednesday, October 30, 2013

‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters

‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters

October 26, 2013
‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters
‘Signs of Time: PRO Life’ contemporary art exhibition that kicked off at the Center of National Arts presents works by young artists as well as winners of international competitions.
‘Signs of Time’ is an annual project overseen by Fund Forum and IJOD Association of Artists, Art Historians and Craftsmen. The first exhibition was staged in 2007.
‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters ‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters ‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters
Style.Uz 2013 presents a new project, ‘Signs of Time: PRO Life’, which seeks to demonstrate the latest trends in Uzbek painting. The exhibition will showcase artworks by D. Usmanov, Y. Useinov, M. Fozili, A. Nikolayev, B. Ismailov, Z. Mansurov, A. Barkovsky, D. Rahmani and R. Bozorov among others. The paintings reflect the artists’ new approach whereby they reflect daily life through the principles of traditional painting.
‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters ‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters ‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters
The idea of the exhibition encourages the development of inner artistic potential. Modern art is a mirror of the thoughts, actions and fantasies of people living in the immediate environment, and the works on display make for a contribution to the development of modern arts.
‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters ‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters ‘Signs of Time’ exhibition presents artwork by Uzbek painters

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