Saturday, October 26, 2013

Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013

Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013

October 23, 2013
Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013
Photo exhibition ‘Mysterious Japan: The Last Samurai’ kicked off at Tashkent House of Photography. Dedicated to Japan’s ethnic culture, the exhibition is being held in Tashkent for the first time.
In the late 19th century, Japan opened its ports to the world and started dispatching missions to overseas countries to establish ties. The exhibition features photos of missions dispatched by the Tokugawa shogunate in the 1860s to the United States, France and the Netherlands. All the samurais featured in the photos were the last in the history of the Country of the Rising Sun.
Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013 Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013 Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013
Akmal Nur, the Chairman of Uzbekistan Academy of Arts:
“This exhibition is part of the ongoing Biennale, which has been set up by Uzbekistan Academy of Arts and Fund Forum. Yesterday at the opening ceremony of Style.Uz Art Week we had the opportunity to view pieces by local and international artists. Today’s exhibition that kicked off at the Youth Art Palace is sort of a campaign as it brought together representatives of various nations.”
Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013 Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013 Japan’s “last Samurais” at Style.Uz 2013
Takahashi Satoro, Chargé d'Affaires ad interim, Embassy of Japan in Uzbekistan:
“I am really excited about this Japanese exhibition here at Tashkent House of Photography in Uzbekistan. Japan’s Photo Camera Industry Institute stages exhibition in Tashkent every year. And these exhibitions present an opportunity to get a taste of beautiful Japanese culture. I believe that through this exhibition lots of Uzbek people will enrich their knowledge of Japanese history. And using this opportunity I would like to thank everyone involved in the organization of this event.”

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