Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Informations Tashkent Sauna

Informations Tashkent Sauna

Glory to the centuries the mighty hero Hercules, which protects the most useful of all forms of entertainment known to the Greeks!" - Or so some thought so cunning Odysseus, luxuriating in a hot marble basin of the queen's palace of Circe. Oh she knew, than bewitch veteran of the Trojan War! Hygieia was the goddess of purity to it favorable for the faithful ministry of culture. And not only Circe, but all the ancient Greeks (Hellenes) honored Gigieyu, but so that issued special laws governing the visiting public baths. Over time, the very goddess of peace rusty, but her name is still known to the people, especially - doctors. Because of its name and there was the term "hygiene".

The fact that we now better known under the buzzword word "sauna", has hundreds of different names in the languages of the peoples of the planet. Analogues sauna baths are mentioned in ancient manuscripts. India, Mesoamerica, China. ... Yes, there! Baths immortalized even hieroglyphs on the stone: there is evidence that some of the first thermal sinks started to use the ancient Egyptians. And these guys are really good judges of a beautiful life they knew! Pharaonic priests - so they just did not get out of the bath: four times a day, they performed ablutions, back it to the rituals of serving many gods.

Here he certainly can not remember the famous physician Hippocrates, who lived to 110 years and was a supporter of treatment of various ailing with the good guys and clean water. He believed - and time, and science proved him right - that during the sweat from the body are derived poisons (toxins). So far have not found true by the expression: "Do not ask the patient how he feels, just ask, as he sweats. A phrase attributed to, and the stranger from the East Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), and the Roman Galen, and even the Chinese Lao Tzu. But one thing is certain: Hippocrates under it would sign without hesitation. After all, the prudent use of the bath "plant" all the mechanisms of such a complex device, like the human body. But abuse is not advised, even extremely healthy supermen: all necessary measure, but an overdose of medication can be a poison for the organism. Also, incidentally, Avicenna warned!

Well, since I mentioned the Japanese, then there can not tell you about their famous potelnye baths - kama-brown, which are taken as in various diseases, and just for fun. Actually furo (Japanese bath) - is the smallest of all known sauna. It's just a wooden barrel filled with hot water. Under a barrel - a stove. By the way, let it come out the roots of folk tales about the elderly who plunges oneself in a barrel of boiling water and surfaced youths? Inside the barrel is the seat that the customer was sweating vertically. Negozhe dipped in hot water region of the heart, say residents of the country of the Rising Sun. Incidentally, this same furo viewers could see the movie "The State Counselor": a large vat samurai steamed himself first servant Fandorin, and after a couple of stories - Fandorin another sweetheart. And in Japan there is a so-called woodchip baths, but that's another story. While no less fun.

What at first differed from the Russian sauna Finnish sauna? Yes, perhaps, especially - nothing. And in fact, and in another case, digging cave-cave on the hillside, or just make a hole, and on top laying materials at hand - dug in general. In the center room-superimposing a pile of stones, and fostered by her fire kindles the stones hot. And then you can throw off clothes without fear of freezing to death. Only ventilate smoke, but there really care - wash, you want - so live. Do not freeze. So it was for many centuries, until the rich to the technical inventions of XX-th. Banja "black" sauna "black". In the bath wet, like the Turks, in the sauna often dryly. And so - the same thing: warming ourselves, had a good sweat, and with all his strength, either in a snowdrift, oholonutsya, or in the nearest river. But now began to appear furnace flue pipes, and then electric, with powerful heating elements, and bath with sauna started to gain a more civilized form. However, to this day has not yet extinct lovers scratch board, sooty after etching "black". They say in this room this bath smells, not like in the present, and soot - it disinfects better than iodine and honey. In reality, however it was: "black" if, with a dry or wet steam, with a marble swimming pool or a fluffy snowdrift - but it is best if Bath-sauna pleasure brings. And the benefit, of course. Stay Healthy and Enjoy Your Bath!

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