Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tashkent Night Life

Tashkent welcomes you, our beloved visitor! The original name of this splendid location, “Stone City”, delivers what it promises, namely beautiful architectures, monuments and incredible mosques that are made out of stone. All these splendid creations are sprinkled with vast spaces of greenery and beautiful parks, which intend to highlight the historical beauty of this magnificent city .
Our main purpose is to provide incredible tourist packages that can easily enchant any person who intends to visit Tashkent. Therefore, all these packages provide different tours that include historical sites, shopping escapades, pubs, theaters, renowned restaurants, hotels and incredible nightclubs. All these exist to serve you and even more, to help every single tourist to spend a great time in this beautiful paradise .
We guarantee the fact that all the tourists are going to have some truly memorable experiences in this location. For this reason, you should prepare yourself to visit Tashkent for a few times, as just one time is not enough to discover its secrets and beautiful people.
Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan, awaits you in this magnificent world that transposes tourists and locals alike in early Islamic times. Therefore, if you are ready for a unique experience, you should definitely visit this beautiful location with wonderful people who welcome you in the renowned and much-coveted Russian atmosphere.

Uzbekistan Night life

Uzbekistan offers great opportunities for night Life. Generally Every Clubs, Bars, Restaurants organizes Show while the guests are having dinner.

Uzbekistan Night Life

Beautiful girls perform breathtaking dances onArabic, Indian, Turkish, Uzbek, Russian, EnglishMusic. Guests can have the opportunity of ordering dances on their favorite songs 

Uzbekistan Night Life some Facts: Uzbekistan was part of Ex Soviet Society and still the Liberal Culture of Soviet Union Survives in Tashkent after 18 Years of Independence. In Tashkent a visitor can find 100s of Restaurants offering Live Music and ballet shows during the dinners. Diners after the show can always order favorite songs and dance on the tune of the music. In Restaurant People freely take hard Drinks and no body would look down upon them but on the contrary would encourage and participate. As every where in Uzbekistan a visitor has to follow few norms and basic Facts. Uzbekistan is not a society or country offering free sex. Uzbekistan is a Muslim Country but very tolerant culture. In Uzbekistan families, Friends, Companies Staff, get together during the dinners and spend good time. Uzbekistan a Girl could be some Bodys sister, a Mother, a wife, or daughter. As every where so also in Uzbekistan some Girls work Illegally as sex workers. If the visitor would understand the above facts then he would have a problem free stay. Visitors can always go to night Clubs and sit with nice blondes, can have drinks & dance. Girls frequenting the clubs are pretty, Nice, and excellent Company.

FAQ, Uzbekistan Night Life TIPS, GUIDE

Q:        What type of Night life opportunities are available in Uzbekistan and which are the spots for getting girls for Sex in Samarkand, Tashkent, and Bukhara??
A:        Uzbekistan has a wide variety of Night Life opportunities. Thousands of Restaurants offer Ballet shows during dinners where most Beautiful girls perform Breathtaking dances around the tables. See Uzbekistan Restaurants
Hundreds of Bars offer wide variety of drinks where a visitor can hang out to relax. See Uzbekistan bars
Many Clubs offer Karaoke, and companion services where a visitor can have good time in the company of beautiful girls. See Karaoke clubs
Bowling, Billiard, Clubs are open till late in the night. See bowling & Billiard Clubs
Hundreds of Disco or Night Clubs are open till early hours of the morning where crowd dance on the rhythm of Indian, Russian, English, Turkish, Arabic Music. See Disco Clubs
Some Clubs offer Striptease and pole dance opportunities. See Night Clubs
Hundreds of saunas and massage parlors are open through out the night Where a Visitor can find Girls for Sex. Though Prsotitution is illegal but many girls offer sex against payment in Saunas and look for their clients in The Night Clubs, Disco Clubs. See saunas, massage Parlors. As in Tashkent so in Samarkand, and Bukhara the Visitor should go to the Sauna and request Girls. Be careful: Some Sauna Staff can also Cheat You

Informations Tashkent Sauna

Informations Tashkent Sauna

Glory to the centuries the mighty hero Hercules, which protects the most useful of all forms of entertainment known to the Greeks!" - Or so some thought so cunning Odysseus, luxuriating in a hot marble basin of the queen's palace of Circe. Oh she knew, than bewitch veteran of the Trojan War! Hygieia was the goddess of purity to it favorable for the faithful ministry of culture. And not only Circe, but all the ancient Greeks (Hellenes) honored Gigieyu, but so that issued special laws governing the visiting public baths. Over time, the very goddess of peace rusty, but her name is still known to the people, especially - doctors. Because of its name and there was the term "hygiene".

The fact that we now better known under the buzzword word "sauna", has hundreds of different names in the languages of the peoples of the planet. Analogues sauna baths are mentioned in ancient manuscripts. India, Mesoamerica, China. ... Yes, there! Baths immortalized even hieroglyphs on the stone: there is evidence that some of the first thermal sinks started to use the ancient Egyptians. And these guys are really good judges of a beautiful life they knew! Pharaonic priests - so they just did not get out of the bath: four times a day, they performed ablutions, back it to the rituals of serving many gods.

Here he certainly can not remember the famous physician Hippocrates, who lived to 110 years and was a supporter of treatment of various ailing with the good guys and clean water. He believed - and time, and science proved him right - that during the sweat from the body are derived poisons (toxins). So far have not found true by the expression: "Do not ask the patient how he feels, just ask, as he sweats. A phrase attributed to, and the stranger from the East Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), and the Roman Galen, and even the Chinese Lao Tzu. But one thing is certain: Hippocrates under it would sign without hesitation. After all, the prudent use of the bath "plant" all the mechanisms of such a complex device, like the human body. But abuse is not advised, even extremely healthy supermen: all necessary measure, but an overdose of medication can be a poison for the organism. Also, incidentally, Avicenna warned!

Well, since I mentioned the Japanese, then there can not tell you about their famous potelnye baths - kama-brown, which are taken as in various diseases, and just for fun. Actually furo (Japanese bath) - is the smallest of all known sauna. It's just a wooden barrel filled with hot water. Under a barrel - a stove. By the way, let it come out the roots of folk tales about the elderly who plunges oneself in a barrel of boiling water and surfaced youths? Inside the barrel is the seat that the customer was sweating vertically. Negozhe dipped in hot water region of the heart, say residents of the country of the Rising Sun. Incidentally, this same furo viewers could see the movie "The State Counselor": a large vat samurai steamed himself first servant Fandorin, and after a couple of stories - Fandorin another sweetheart. And in Japan there is a so-called woodchip baths, but that's another story. While no less fun.

What at first differed from the Russian sauna Finnish sauna? Yes, perhaps, especially - nothing. And in fact, and in another case, digging cave-cave on the hillside, or just make a hole, and on top laying materials at hand - dug in general. In the center room-superimposing a pile of stones, and fostered by her fire kindles the stones hot. And then you can throw off clothes without fear of freezing to death. Only ventilate smoke, but there really care - wash, you want - so live. Do not freeze. So it was for many centuries, until the rich to the technical inventions of XX-th. Banja "black" sauna "black". In the bath wet, like the Turks, in the sauna often dryly. And so - the same thing: warming ourselves, had a good sweat, and with all his strength, either in a snowdrift, oholonutsya, or in the nearest river. But now began to appear furnace flue pipes, and then electric, with powerful heating elements, and bath with sauna started to gain a more civilized form. However, to this day has not yet extinct lovers scratch board, sooty after etching "black". They say in this room this bath smells, not like in the present, and soot - it disinfects better than iodine and honey. In reality, however it was: "black" if, with a dry or wet steam, with a marble swimming pool or a fluffy snowdrift - but it is best if Bath-sauna pleasure brings. And the benefit, of course. Stay Healthy and Enjoy Your Bath!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

Salom & Welcome to Uzbekistan!

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

Salom & Welcome to Uzbekistan!

A journey around Uzbekistan is an adventure! You will make fascinating cultural discoveries, explore sites of ancient history, stay in welcoming Uzbekistan hotels, and enjoy the country's breathtaking natural beauty. Your travels will take you beyond the confines of museums into the silence and memories of a distant past as you visit temples, tombs and ancient settlements.

This is the perfect destination for the incurable romantic with its vast cotton fields and orchards, entertaining bazaars, and skilled artisans, practising methods of trade that have remained the same for centuries.
You will never forget the sight of tall minarets, grand madrasas and palaces, mosques, and mausoleums embellished with beautiful ceramics, and the noisy and colourful oriental bazaars in Uzbekistan. You will come across fascinating legends, be embraced by warm hospitality and the old traditions of the local inhabitants.
An increasing number of tourists are flocking to wonderful Uzbekistan where history and liberal culture meet. Uzbekistan's history goes back twenty centuries, making it the oldest country in Central Asia, and as a result there is a lot to see and do in Uzbekistan. Uzbekistan has many cities filled with hundreds of architectural monuments from a variety of different eras. Some of these cities, which were centres of science and art, are Samarkand, Bukhara, Khiva, Termez, Shakhrizabs and Kokand.
The great Uzbek architects of ancient Uzbekistan created palaces, mosques and mausoleums that became world famous. After all, this is a land which saw the presence of Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great. Many of the architectural masterpieces of Uzbekistan have not survived, but there are enough of these today to give visitors a good idea of the country's past glory and make for some interesting tours in Uzbekistan.
In a bygone era, The Great Silk Road, which is decidedly one of the most dramatic achievements in the history of civilization, passed through the cities of Uzbekistan. The monuments along these routes are part of the UNESCO World's Heritage List and currently efforts are being made to preserve and restore them. Other countries of Central Asia such as Azerbaijan, ArmeniaGeorgia and Iran also have some of these monuments.
Uzbekistan possesses the highest number of historically significant monuments along The Silk Route. Some of these are the Ichan-kola ensemble in Khiva, and the historical monuments of ancient Bukhara, Samarkhand and Shakhrisabz, which have acquired worldwide renown. Merv, in modern Turkmenistan, is also noteworthy as a well preserved ancient oasis town.
These historical sites may be ancient but they are well equipped with modern facilities for tourists and some comfortable and traditional places to stay. There are a large number of new guest houses and hotels in Uzbekistan, as well as cafes and restaurants built to international standards. The means of transportation in the country are modern and efficient, to encourage and facilitate tourism. Use our Uzbekistan map to choose your hotel in Uzbekistan based on its location, or to find exciting places to visit.
The deserts where many species evolved, the paths along which ancient caravans crossed a vast, scorched land were a part of the Great Silk Road that connected China with Europe. Now Uzbekistan's modern tourism infrastructure and Uzbekistan hotels will take you into the desert and steppes of the country where you can ride a camel, sleep in a yurt equipped with all the essential facilities, while the boundless sands stretch around you. In the evenings, you can sit by the fire and enjoy a folk performance.
Uzbekistan's mountainous areas are rated as some of the most beautiful landscapes of Central Asia. In the serenity of this picturesque place you will feel a sense of oneness with nature that will rejuvenate you. You will have the opportunity to think deeply about your purpose in life. Here there are lush forests and alpine meadows, mountains with peaks covered in snow and mighty glaciers. In the west, the Tian-Shan Mountain tops gleam under a blue sky. They are surrounded by river rapids, alpine pastures and savage gorges that have challenged adrenaline addicts for years.
In the summer you can enjoy a range of Uzbekistan tours and activities such as rafting, biking, trekking, hiking, mountaineering, canoeing and horse riding. And after a day of adventure, you can relax in the luxurious comfort of new mountain resorts. In the mountains, winter is a time for heliboarding, snowboarding, paragliding and heliskiing. Professional instructors are at hand to teach you any of the skills you need to thoroughly enjoy yourself.
The world-renowned Uzbek hospitality, so inherent in the people of this country, the fascinating local customs, and the delicious cuisine all make Uzbekistan a highly attractive destination. We are a locally based company with a passion for our country and for sustainable tourism. Choose from our wide range of Uzbekistan hotels and tours in Uzbekistan and then let us do the rest. You are sure to love a holiday in Uzbekistan!

Uzbekistan Tours

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

The limited company "UzbekTraveller.com" has been established in 2009. Since that time we have gathered a reliable and highly professional team. They are: experienced guides, speaking many European and Asian languages, knowing culture, history and peculiarities of each region of our hospitable country, tour operators always ready to react quickly, and skilled drivers, ready to carry out most difficult tasks!
We are specialized on organization of cultural-informative, sports (mountain trekking, camel riding, fishing, etc.) and combined tours over ancient cities of Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia. Visiting of the unique historical places of such legendary cities on the Great Silk Road as: SamarkandShakhrisabzBukharaKhivaTermez,Tashkent and Ferghana are included in our tour programs.
Professionalism and experience of our operators guarantee reliability of all services, and the individual approach to each demand will satisfy the most exacting tourist. We are glad to offer our visitors best service and maximum comfortable conditions for any sort of travel. We constantly study tourist routes, examine the features of rest in different regions of Uzbekistan and, considering market condition, modernize the offered tour programs.
We understand that holiday is always a long-awaited event. For this reason in our agency we pay huge attention to selection of tours. Our experts are always glad to help: very laboriously select you a tour, depending on desires, financial possibilities, and time of rest and appearing special offers.
UzbekTraveller.com” offers  the following services:
  1. Uzbekistan Visa support;
  2. Individual and group tours along ancient cities such as Tashkent, Samarkand, Shakhrisabz, Bukhara, Khiva, Valley Fergana and others;
  3. Excursions with a certified, experienced and professional tour guides in English, German, French, Japanese, Spain, Italian, Persian and Turkish, professional guides in Uzbekistan, KazakhstanKyrgyzstanTajikistan andTurkmenistan who have deep knowledge of Flora and Fauna, mountains and deserts, lakes, photo scenic paradise;
  4. Exciting fishing in Aydarkul(Uzbekistan) with special fishing-rods;
  5. Harmless horses in the mountains and camels in deserts;
  6. Reservation of domestic air-tickets;
  7. Uzbekistan hotels (reservation for individual tourists and groups);
  8. Transfers along itinerary by cars, mini-buses, buses and coach services (all of our transports have air-conditioners);
  9. Arrange exhibitions, conferences, banquets, folklore shows and different kind of concerts with tea party;
  10. Lunch and dinner at national houses and restaurants;
  11. Degustation of wine;
Tour programs of our agency fit travelers of all age and interest.
Especially for you we will develop an individual tour program, include in it exotic or extreme elements, combine your travel with business — or shop — tours. Our individual tours allow to consider all preferences of the client and to combine various kinds of rest. Having once entrusted us your rest, you will find more than a good partner. We will offer you the best in Uzbekistan and will take care that each travel is remembered for a long time.

Tours to Uzbekistan

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

Uzbekistan travel. Vacation ideas - holiday ideas in Uzbekistan. Spend your tour to Uzbekistan and choose your best Uzbekistan tour package below! Travel to Uzbekistan with UzbekTraveller.com

Uzbekistan travel is an adventure filled with fascinating cultural discoverieshistory and breathtaking natural beauty
In the country of Uzbekistan travelers have the opportunity to experience living history, not just among remains kept in the confines of a museum, but also in the silence of the distant past among the sites of ancient settlementstemples and tombs - a great place to take a break from hurried civilization. 

They still serve as places for religious pilgrimage, as they have for a thousand years. You will always remember the tall minarets, grandiosemadrassahs and mosquespalaces and mausoleums decorated with incredible ceramic ornaments, noisy and colorful oriental bazaars, interestinglegends, warm hospitality and ancient traditions of the local people.

Welcome to the country of 1001 Nights!

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com
 Would you like to get inside the setting a fascinating oriental tale? To see the turquoise domes of ancient mosques, madrasahs, palaces and minarets all around ?

To contemplate exquisite frescoes and mosaics on their walls? 

     Would you like to find yourself in the very heart of the world-famous Great Silk Road, trodden by the legendary Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan and Tamerlane? 

     Would you ever dream that the tales told by the beautiful Shakherezade from "1001 Nights" should become a reality? 

    If your answer is "yes", UzbekTraveller.com will arrange for you to go on an exciting trip to Uzbekistan - the real gem of Central Asia. 

     While having many modern features, Uzbekistan has inherited ages of history - you can see in its monuments and traditions. Besides, the country boasts a unique and harmonious combination of Eastern and Western civilizations. 
Today there peacefully coexist around 100 ethnic communities in Uzbekistan, and so the country presents a wide variety of cultures. It is also evidence of tolerance the indigenous Uzbeks display. 

     Uzbekistan is a secular, democratic, and politically stable state. During the past 20 years of independence tourism has made such good progress in the country, that the tourist groups visiting Uzbekistan now can enjoy good services, including all the comforts of modern hotels, and unforgettable sightseeing activities. 

     Today's Uzbekistan is one of the safest countries to go to for tourism and cooperation. 
     The people who live in the country are very hospitable, generous and kind. Even strangers are welcome at Uzbek homes. Guests are greeted here by the words Khush kelibsiz! ("Welcome!") and then are always offered a small bowl of tea and a delicious flat round loaf of Uzbek bread. 

     If you stay long enough, you will certainly be treated to gorgeous Uzbek pilaf, kebab, manty (steamed meat and potato in unleavened dough bags) or lagman (spaghetti-like dough with meat and vegetables in broth) - the dishes Uzbek cuisine is so famous for! If you stay at a hotel, you will have a lot of opportunities to try these and many other Uzbek dishes in restaurants.

     Uzbekistan is different from both Asian and European countries - it is unique. Its countryside is full of beautiful sceneries: mountains, valleys, rivers, lakes, waterfalls… The cities and towns are, too, very impressive. Uzbek folklore, arts and crafts are sure to make you feel a real aesthetic delight.

We invite you to visit Uzbekistan - a fabulously beautiful country in the very heart of Central Asia - a country where the past and the present come together!

Uzbekistan Tours

Uzbekistan Tours

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

Uzbekistan Tours - Private tours with custom made itineraries!

Would you like your tour to Uzbekistan was not only interesting but also comfortable? Maybe you are looking for a tour around Central Asia with exciting and complex program?

With our company you will discover all the beauty and diversity of the East – ancient and modern, fascinatingly innocent and wise, integrated and traditional, enchanting and full of unexpected contrasts. We have been working as the local tour operator in Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, andTurkmenistan since 2003 and have rich experience and reliable partners all over Central Asia. Especially for you we have worked out various fascinating tour programs, meeting with the culture, architecture, religion, traditions and customs, life style of Uzbekistan and other countries of Central Asia.

To make your stay in Uzbekistan nicer and more comfortable we have thought out our Uzbekistan tours.Guides and tour leaders of our company have huge practical experience; all of them are well-educated and always polite. Uzbekistan tours are simple and interesting. Go on tours to Uzbekistan – go on tours with UzbekTraveller.com!

 How Uzbekistan tour is organized? English-speaking driver picks you up at the airport and takes you to the city / hotel / tourist sites according to the Uzbekistan tour itinerary worked out together with UzbekTraveller.com. City tours are held by experienced guides, specializing in the culture and history of cities in the selected itinerary. Terms and duration of city tours may vary according to your wish.

Meals: For private and small group tours in Uzbekistan we usually include only breakfast.

Note: Accurate price quotation is provided separately for each request, where we take into account all your wishes. The price for the same tour may vary significantly, depending on the season and type of accommodation.

Friday, June 22, 2012

“Nuriy Travel” A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57, 100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440 Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599 E-mail: info@UzbekTraveller.com Web: www.UzbekTraveller.com Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com



“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com


Welcome to Uzbekistan! Uzbekistan is a country with great potential for an expanded tourism industry. Many of its Central Asian cities were main points of trade on the Silk Road, linking Eastern and Western civilizations. Today the museums of Uzbekistan store over two million artifacts, evidence of the unique historical, cultural and spiritual life of the Central Asian peoples that have lived in the region for more than 7, 000 years. Uzbekistan attracts tourists with its historical, archeological, architectural and natural treasures. Join TravelShop Turkey to explore this city together!
Uzbekistan Tours


Day 1 - Tashkent - Arrival Day
(Lunch and dinner included)
Upon arrival Tashkent in morning, we will pick you up and shall start our tour. In the morning, we will visit Khazrati Imam Complex. In the old Tashkent residential neighborhood called Sibzar, lies Khazrat Imam Square with a complex of architectural monuments that sprang up here in the course of several centuries. Scientists believe that early in the Middle Ages this place was the towns center, which was then called Shash. The ensemble of the monuments began to take its shape around the burial-place of Kaffal ash-Shashi, the first Tashkents imam and propagator of Islam. It was he after whom the square was named Khazret Imam (‘Saint Imam).

Also we will one of the few remained monumental architectural monuments of Tashkent - Kukeldash Madrassah. It was built in the second half of the 16th century in the time of Abdullachan. And Complex Madrasa Barakhan which was formed during 15-16th centuries from buildings which were constructed in different periods. And we will visit Museum of Applied Arts which housed in a traditional house originally commissioned for a wealthy tsarist diplomat, the house itself is the main attraction, rather than its collection of 19th and 20th century applied arts.

After lunch, Murtis Tour will lead you keep going our tour, including visit Mustakillik Maidoni (‘Independence Square), which is another citys attraction. Wide granite stairs coming up between the cascades of 7-meter-high squirts of the fountains lead to a huge colonnade that in an arc-form manner flanks the square in the east. The 16 white marble columns with capitals in the form of the traditional sharafa-stalactites are spanned with silvery metal roof decorated with sculptures of storks. Since ancient times in Uzbekistan these birds are believed to symbolize peace and tranquility. Before we transfer you to hotel, TravelShop Turkey will accompany you to visit Underground Metro and Chorsu Bazaar which is located near the Kukeldash Madrassa. This huge open air bazaar is the center of the old town of Tashkent. Everything imaginable is for sale.
Dinner and overnight in Tashkent.

Day 2 - Tashkent - Urgench - Khiva
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Early morning pick up from your hotel for your morning flight to Urgench (HY-1051 / 07.00). Around 2 and half hour flight, we will arrive Urgench. Upon arrival, transfer to Khiva. Then we will start our full day sightseeing tour including in UNESCO World Heritage List - Itchan Kala which is the inner town (protected by brick walls some 10 m high) of the old Khiva oasis, Also we will visit palace-fortress Kurynysh-khana, Juma mosque the Seyid Allauddin mausoleum and the Bagbanli mosque, Mukhammad, Khurdzhum and Shirgazi-khan madrassahs which built in the 17th and 18th centuries, Among later structures, of special interest are the Kutlug-Murad-inak madrassah, the Pakhlavan-Makhmud mausoleum, the caravanserai, and Allakuli-khan madrassah, the Tash-Khauli palace. Lunch and dinner in local restaurant. At the end of the tour, transfer to your hotel and you will be given your room key. Overnight in Khiva.

Day 3 - Khiva - Bukhara
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After your breakfast, we will depart for Bukhara via Kyzylkum desert along Caravan road. For our lunch, we will have a stop for our prinic lunch. Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel. The rest of the day is yours to explore the city. Dinner and overnight in Bukhara.

Day 4 - Bukhara
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After breakfast, we will pick you up from your hotel and shall start our full day sightseeing tour in Bukhara. Murtis Tour will lead you to visit all the famous sightseeing spots including: The Lyabi-Khaus ensemble, Includes the Kukeldush madrassah and Nodir-Divan-Begi as well as the Khanakas. Also we will visit 3 remaining domed bazaars - Taqi Zargaron, or Jewelers Bazaar, Taqi Telpak Furushon or Cap Makers Bazaar and Taqi Sarrafon, or Moneychangers Bazaar, Mausoleum of the Samanids, Chashmai-Ayub, Mosque Bolo-Khauz, citadel Ark. From high walls of citadel the interesting skyline of the city is made up of a mixture of modern buildings and monuments of the past), Ensemble Poi Kalian. Madrassah Miri-Arab, Mosque Djuma, Madrassah of Ulugbek and Madrassah of Abdoulazizkhan, Mausoleum Chor Minor, Mosque Magoki-Attari. Dinner with folk performance at a madrassah in Bukhara. Overnight in Bukhara.

Day 5 - Bukhara - Shakhrisabz - Samarkand
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
This morning we will drive from Bukhara to Samarkand via Shakhrisabz. We will have a sightseing tour in Shakhrisabz during our journey, Murtis Tour will lead you to visit Ak Saray Palace, Kuk Gumbaz, Gumbazi Saidon, Khazrati Imam Mosque, Mausoleum of Jakhangir (Temurlans son).
The green city as the name is translated, was known in due time as Kesh or Nasaf. Tamerlan was born near to city and has proclaimed its place of years palace of a shed. After the tour, we will continue our journey to Samarkand. Upon arrival, transfer and check in to your hotel. Dinner and overnight in Samarkand.

Day 6 - Shmarkand
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Today we will have the full day sightseeing tour in Shmarkand. TravelShop Turkey will accompany you to explore the city by visiting different famous spots, including Registan square. The Square is surrounded by the Ulugbeks madrassah, the Sher-Dor madrassah and Tilla-Kori madrassah. Mausoleum Gur-Emir.

After lunch, we shall keep going our tour, we will visit the Observatory of Ulugbek visit to Necropolis Shakhi-Zinda and ensemble of mausoleums of the 11th-19th centuries, the necropolis of Samarkand rulers and nobles; excavation site Afrosiab and museum of the city foundation. Also we will visit to Mosque Bibi-Khanum. At last, you will be given free time to shopping in Siab bazaar. Tonight please enjoy your dinner with Presentation of National Cuisine Plov. Overnight in Samarkand.

Day 7 - Samarkand - Tashkent
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Today we will drive back to Tashkent. On the way to Tashkent you will be able to visit the interesting places such as: Amir Temur Gate Big Honey Market in Jizzakh. Then across Syr-Darya River between Syr-Darya and Tashkent district. Upon arrival, transfer and check in your hotel in Tashkent. The rest of the day is yours to walk around the bazaars and squares. Tonight we have arranged a farewell Dinner in local restaurant. Overnight in Tashkent.

Day 8 - Tashkent - End of Tour
(Breakfast included)
After breakfast check out from your hotel. Regarding your flight departure time, we will arrange your transfer to Tashkent Airport for your international flight back home. We hope your tour was a memorable one and we would like to see you in future in one of our tours again. Have a nice trip back home and thanks for choosing TravelShop Turkey.

  • Arrival transfer from Airport
  • Domestic flight from Tashkent to Urgench
  • 2 nights hotel in Tashkent
  • 1 night hotel in Khiva
  • 2 nights hotel in Bukhara
  • 2 nights hotel in Samarkand
  • Guided Tashkent Tour
  • Guided Khiva Tour
  • Guided Bukhara Tour
  • Guided Shakhrisabz Tour
  • Guided Samarkand Tour
  • All breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • Concert of Folklore show and Dinner in Madrassah of Nodir devan Begi in Bukhara
  • Presentation of National Cuisine Plov in National Guest House (from 7 person)
  • Uzbekistan tourist map per pax
  • Porter fees in the hotel and airport
  • Visa support to obtain Uzbekistan visa
  • Professional English speaking guide
  • All entrance fees to all museums mentioned in the itinerary
  • Transportation in a fully air-conditioned, non-smoking coach
  • Return transfer to Airport

  • International flight tickets
  • Taxes at International Airport
  • Uzbek Visa
  • Sound and Light performance in Reghistan square (from 10 pax)
  • Degustation of wine in Samarkand Wine Factory 10 USD per pax

Per Person
2 pax
3-6 pax
7-10 pax
11-16 pax
17-25 pax
3 Star Hotel
€ 910.00
€ 841.00
€ 766.00
€ 692.00
€ 649.00
+ € 133.00
4 Star Hotel
€ 984.00
€ 915.00
€ 808.00
€ 761.00
€ 729.00
+ € 133.00



“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com


Welcome to Uzbekistan! Uzbekistan is a country with great potential for an expanded tourism industry. Many of its Central Asian cities were main points of trade on the Silk Road, linking Eastern and Western civilizations. Today the museums of Uzbekistan store over two million artifacts, evidence of the unique historical, cultural and spiritual life of the Central Asian peoples that have lived in the region for more than 7, 000 years. Uzbekistan attracts tourists with its historical, archeological, architectural and natural treasures. Join TravelShop Turkey to explore this city together!
Uzbekistan Tours


Day 1 - Tashkent - Arrival Day
(Lunch and dinner included)
Upon arrival Tashkent in morning, we will pick you up and shall start our tour. In the morning, we will visit Khazrati Imam Complex. In the old Tashkent residential neighborhood called Sibzar, lies Khazrat Imam Square with a complex of architectural monuments that sprang up here in the course of several centuries. Scientists believe that early in the Middle Ages this place was the towns center, which was then called Shash. The ensemble of the monuments began to take its shape around the burial-place of Kaffal ash-Shashi, the first Tashkents imam and propagator of Islam. It was he after whom the square was named Khazret Imam (‘Saint Imam).

Also we will one of the few remained monumental architectural monuments of Tashkent - Kukeldash Madrassah. It was built in the second half of the 16th century in the time of Abdullachan. And Complex Madrasa Barakhan which was formed during 15-16th centuries from buildings which were constructed in different periods. And we will visit Museum of Applied Arts which housed in a traditional house originally commissioned for a wealthy tsarist diplomat, the house itself is the main attraction, rather than its collection of 19th and 20th century applied arts.

After lunch, Murtis Tour will lead you keep going our tour, including visit Mustakillik Maidoni (‘Independence Square), which is another citys attraction. Wide granite stairs coming up between the cascades of 7-meter-high squirts of the fountains lead to a huge colonnade that in an arc-form manner flanks the square in the east. The 16 white marble columns with capitals in the form of the traditional sharafa-stalactites are spanned with silvery metal roof decorated with sculptures of storks. Since ancient times in Uzbekistan these birds are believed to symbolize peace and tranquility. Before we transfer you to hotel, TravelShop Turkey will accompany you to visit Underground Metro and Chorsu Bazaar which is located near the Kukeldash Madrassa. This huge open air bazaar is the center of the old town of Tashkent. Everything imaginable is for sale.
Dinner and overnight in Tashkent.

Day 2 - Tashkent - Kokand - Ferghana
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After breakfast, Murtis Tour will pick you up from hotel and transfer to to Kokand- the city of winds. Excursion of the city. The Palace of Khudayar Khan was constructed in 1871-1873 by the masters from Kokand, Kanibadam, Chust, Namangan and Uratyube, which produce on guests impression by its 70m high facade. Mausoleum of Modari Khana- quite interesting sample of islamic architecture, was built in 1825 by Umar Khan his mother. Mosque Jomiy (1800y)- there are being held Friday praying ( namaz from uzbek). Madrassah Norbutabi (1899y)- one floored, but majestic construction. In XIXc its considered one of the biggest construction of Kokand.
After l unch in the Local Uzbek Restaurant, TravelShop Turkey will drive you to Fergana and check in to your hotel. Visit Park named after Al-Ferghaniy and Regional Theatre located inside the court of General M. Skobelevs residence. At the end of the tour, transfer you to hotel. Dinner in Local Restaurant and overnight in Ferghana.

Day 3 - Ferghan - Margilan - Rishtan - Tashkent
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After breakfast, we will drive to Margilan The day will be spend on excursing city Margilan (12km from Ferghana). Yodgorlik- silk weaving factory which is known for its goods made of silk. Also Murtis Tour will visit Bazaar with you which is famous for its eastern fruits, especially grenades and apricots.
Mosque Chakar and madrassah Said Akhmad Khodja (XIXc)- the main composition of this complex, consist of hall and veranda with painted ceilings. After have our lunch in the Uzbek Traditional Restaurant, we will drive to Rishtan and vsit the Master Pottery House in Rishtan.
At the end, weill depart for Tashkent by coach via Mountains. Upon arrival, transfer and check in to your hotel. Dinner and overnight in Tashkent.

Day 4 - Tashkent - Urgench - Khiva
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Early morning pick up from your hotel for your morning flight to Urgench (HY-1051 / 07.00). Around 2 and half hour flight, we will arrive Urgench. Upon arrival, transfer to Khiva. Then we will start our full day sightseeing tour including in UNESCO World Heritage List - Itchan Kala which is the inner town (protected by brick walls some 10 m high) of the old Khiva oasis, Also we will visit palace-fortress Kurynysh-khana, Juma mosque the Seyid Allauddin mausoleum and the Bagbanli mosque, Mukhammad, Khurdzhum and Shirgazi-khan madrassahs which built in the 17th and 18th centuries, Among later structures, of special interest are the Kutlug-Murad-inak madrassah, the Pakhlavan-Makhmud mausoleum, the caravanserai, and Allakuli-khan madrassah, the Tash-Khauli palace. Lunch and dinner in local restaurant. At the end of the tour, transfer to your hotel and you will be given your room key. Overnight in Khiva.

Day 5 - Khiva - Ayazkala - Khiva
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
This morning you will be transferred to Ayazkala, visit ancient Fortresses. Ayazkala, Kirkkizkala and Toprakkala. After your lunch in Ayazkala, we will drive back to Khiva, the rest of the time is yours to shopping in the old city. Dinner and overnight in Khiva.

Day 6 - Khiva - Bukhara
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After your breakfast, we will depart for Bukhara via Kyzylkum desert along Caravan road. For our lunch, we will have a stop for our prinic lunch. Upon arrival, transfer to your hotel. The rest of the day is yours to explore the city. Dinner and overnight in Bukhara.

Day 7 - Bukhara
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After breakfast, we will pick you up from your hotel and shall start our full day sightseeing tour in Bukhara. Murtis Tour will lead you to visit all the famous sightseeing spots including: The Lyabi-Khaus ensemble, Includes the Kukeldush madrassah and Nodir-Divan-Begi as well as the Khanakas. Also we will visit 3 remaining domed bazaars - Taqi Zargaron, or Jewelers Bazaar, Taqi Telpak Furushon or Cap Makers Bazaar and Taqi Sarrafon, or Moneychangers Bazaar, Mausoleum of the Samanids, Chashmai-Ayub, Mosque Bolo-Khauz, citadel Ark. From high walls of citadel the interesting skyline of the city is made up of a mixture of modern buildings and monuments of the past), Ensemble Poi Kalian. Madrassah Miri-Arab, Mosque Djuma, Madrassah of Ulugbek and Madrassah of Abdoulazizkhan, Mausoleum Chor Minor, Mosque Magoki-Attari. Dinner with folk performance at a madrassah in Bukhara. Overnight in Bukhara.

Day 8 - Bukhara
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Today you will have an excursion around the suburbs of Bukhara, visiting Sitorai Mokhi Khosa (end of XIXc-begining of XXc) - The residence of the last ruled emir (ruler) of Bukhara. Complex of Bahouddin Naqshbandi (XVI c) - religious complex, one of the sacrede places of Moslems. Mausoleum of Chor Bakr (XVI-XXc. c.) Dinner and overnight in Bukhara.

Day 9 - Bukhara - Nurate - Yangigazgan
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After enjoy your breakfast this morning, we will drive to Yangigazgan via Nurata. and have our lunch there. You will have an excursion in Nurata including visit fortress ruins Nurata Friday mosque with basin filled with sacred fishes. Also, we will visit to the ruins of fortress of Great Alexander. At the end, we will drive to yurts camp. Dinner at the fire under accompany Kazakh Akyn (local folklore singer). Overnight in Yangigazgan yurta. .

Day 10 - Yangigazgan - Lake Aydarkul - Yangigazgan
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
We will pick you up from your hotel and drive to Aydar Kul Lake after your breakfast. We will camel trekking and have picnic at the lake. Spend some time for relaxing in the lake. In the afternoon, we will drive back to Yangigazgan. Dinner and overnight in Yangigazgan yurta.

Day 11 - Yangigazgan - Shakhrisabz - Tersak
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
This morning we will drive to Bukhara from Samarkand via Shakhrisabz. We will have a sightseing tour in Shakhrisabz during our journey, Murtis Tour will lead you to visit Ak Saray Palace, Kuk Gumbaz, Gumbazi Saidon, Khazrati Imam Mosque, Mausoleum of Jakhangir (Temurlans son).
The green city as the name is translated, was known in due time as Kesh or Nasaf. Tamerlan was born near to city and has proclaimed its place of years palace of a shed.
After the tour, we will continue our journey to Tersak. Upon arrival, transfer and check in to your hotel. Dinner and overnight in Tersak.

Day 12 - Tersak
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Excursion in a direction to a falls (3 þ.) walk. Continuation of excursion in a direction to village Tersak. Arrival and accommodation at director of rural school. During the tour, we will have a picnic lunch. Murtis Tour will walk on village and visiting of school with you. Conversation with inhabitants of village. Dinner and overnight in Tersak.

Day 13 - Tersak - Urgut - Samarkand
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
After enjoy your breakfast, Murtis Tour will pick you up from your hotel and depart for Urgut where is 40 km from Samarkand with you. Upon arrival, we will visit Urgut Syuzani Bazar. After lunch we will drive back to Samarkand and we will have an excursion in excavation site Afrosiab and museum of the city foundation, Khoja Daniyal Mausoleum, Khazarti Khizr Mosque. At night, we will have dinner in National Guest House. Overnight in Samarkand.

Day 14 - Samarkand
(Breakfast, lunch and dinner included)
Today we will have the full day sightseeing tour in Shmarkand. TravelShop Turkey will accompany you to explore the city by visiting different famous spots, including Registan square. The Square is surrounded by the Ulugbeks madrassah, the Sher-Dor madrassah and Tilla-Kori madrassah. Mausoleum Gur-Emir,

After lunch, we shall keep going our tour, we will visit the Observatory of Ulugbek visit to Necropolis Shakhi-Zinda and ensemble of mausoleums of the 11th-19th centuries, the necropolis of Samarkand rulers and nobles. Also we will visit to Mosque Bibi-Khanum. At last, you will be given free time to shopping in Siab bazaar. Tonight please enjoy your dinner with Presentation of National Cuisine Plov. Overnight in Samarkand.

Day 15 - Samarkand
Today we will continuation of city tour: Excursion in excavation site Afrosiab and museum of the city foundation, Khoja Daniyal Mausoleum, Khazarti Khizr Mosque.
After lunch Murtis Tour will transfer you to Chelak village to visit Imam Ismail Al Bukhariy Mausoelum and Mosque. At the end of the tour, drive back to Samarkand. Dinner in National Guest House and overnight in Smarkand.

Day 16 - Samarkand - Tashkent
Today we will drive back to Tashkent. On the way to Tashkent you will be able to visit the interesting places such as: Amir Temur Gate Big Honey Market in Jizzakh. Then across Syr-Darya River between Syr-Darya and Tashkent district. Upon arrival, transfer and check in your hotel in Tashkent. The rest of the day is yours to walk around the bazaars and squares. Tonight we have arranged a farewell Dinner in local restaurant. Overnight in Tashkent.

Day 17 - Tashkent - End of Tour
(Breakfast included)
After breakfast check out from your hotel. Regarding your flight departure time, we will arrange your transfer to Tashkent Airport for your international flight back home. We hope your tour was a memorable one and we would like to see you in future in one of our tours again. Have a nice trip back home and thanks for choosing TravelShop Turkey.


  • Arrival transfer from Airport
  • Domestic flight from Tashkent to Urgench
  • 3 nights hotel in Tashkent
  • 1 night hotel in Ferghana
  • 2 nights hotel in Khiva
  • 3 nights hotel in Bukhara
  • 2 nights hotel in Yangigazgan yurta
  • 2 nights hotel in Tersak
  • 3 nights hotel in Samarkand
  • Guided tours in all destinations
  • All breakfasts, lunches and dinners
  • Concert of Folklore show and Dinner in Madrassah of Nodir devan Begi in Bukhara
  • Presentation of National Cuisine Plov in National Guest House (from 7 person)
  • Uzbekistan tourist map per pax
  • Porter fees in the hotel and airport
  • Visa support to obtain Uzbekistan visa
  • Professional English speaking guide
  • All entrance fees to all museums mentioned in the itinerary
  • Transportation in a fully air-conditioned, non-smoking coach
  • Return transfer to Airport


  • International Flight Tickets
  • Taxes in the International Airport
  • Uzbek Visa
  • Sound and Light performance in Reghistan square (from 10 pax)
  • Degustation of wine in Samarkand Wine Factory 10 USD per pax

Per Person
2 pax
3-6 pax
7-10 pax
11-16 pax
17-25 pax
3 Star Hotel
€ 1,532.00
€ 1,373.00
€ 1,288.00
€ 1,202.00
€ 1,059.00
+ € 287.00
4 Star Hotel
€ 1,589.00
€ 1,466.00
€ 1,355.00
€ 1,270.00
€ 1,142.00
+ € 287.00