Saturday, May 19, 2012

Uzbek traditional clothes have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the new era.

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599

Dress For Men

Uzbek traditional clothes have remained practically unchanged since the beginning of the new era. Traditional male wear consists of warm quilted gown – chupan – tied with handkerchief as a belt. The headwear is the Doppi, and the footwear (boots) is made of thin leather. Males wear straight-cut shirts, lower and upper gowns. The gowns can be light and warm. There are special cuts on the sides of the gown for comfortable walking and sitting on the floor. Usually, the chupan is tied with a handkerchief. The handkerchiefs have always indicated social status of its owner (festive design, embroidered with silver badges and buckles; bags and purses show prosperity of the person wearing it). There is also a festive chupan made of special expensive fabric and embroidery and not for everyday use.

For Women

Female traditional dress consists of a functional dress with a simple cut made of khan-atlas (silk) and sharovars - wide thin pants that narrow towards the foot. Female headwear consisted of three principal elements: cap, handkerchief, and turban. Female costumes differ for the occasion from every day wear by the richness and beauty of the fabrics. Kids wear imitation traditional clothing as the adults wear. Although, there are many common features, clothes of each region have their own originality expressed with special fabrics, designs and cuts.


Every day clothes are changing under the influence of European culture. Everywhere you can meet people dressed very fashionably. However, the famous Uzbek embroideries, traditional headwear and carpets are still in great demand in spite of European innovations.

Hints on how to dress

Light-colored cotton garments are best for summer travel. Trousers, long skirts and long-sleeved shirts prevent sunburn and respect Muslim sensibilities. Flesh must be covered when visiting any holy site and clothes should also be conservative. A hat is a necessary accessory. Heat and dust make thick-soled walking shoes a better choice than flip-flops. In colder weather, bring warm boots and woolen layers, plus a down or Gore-Tex jacket. When desert trekking, be ready for nightly temperature drops. If you leave lowland Uzbekistan for the mountains of Kyrgyzstan or Tajikistan, prepare well intense cold, strong winds and heavy snows.

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