Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Airport Pick-up

 “Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
Web:  www.UzbekTraveller.com
Skype: uzbektraveller_1.com

We offer the following airport services.
Airport Pick-up
  • Pick-up
  • VIP lounge
  • Farewell
Tashkent Airport is located seven kilometers south of the city center. The airport is split into two terminals 250 meters apart international and domestic terminals. Both underwent renovation in early 2000. Arrivals are on the ground floor and departures on the first floor. A $10 departure tax may be added on some international flights (if not included in ticket price). A more comfortable (VIP) arrival and departure lounges is available. Second floor offices include various airlines and a branch of Uzbek immigration.
Uzbekistan Airways operates domestic and international air routes, with regular departures from Tashkent to almost all the republic's major cities and tourist destinations: Andijan, Bukhara, Fergana, Karshi, Namangan, Navoi, Nukus, Samarkand, Termez, Urgench. Also, you can fly to capital cities of other Central Asian countries: Almaty (Kazakhstan), Ashgabat (Turkmenistan), Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) and Dushanbe (Tajikistan). Weekly Andijan-Urgench flights help to avoid wasteful backtracking. Tickets can be bought at certain hotels, or the city branch of Uzbekistan Airways. Foreigners must pay in dollars but rates are reasonable. When checking in, it is quicker, safer and common practice to carry luggage on board. When fellow passengers ignore their seat numbers, just follow their example.

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