Saturday, May 19, 2012

Fast facts about Uzbekistan

“Nuriy Travel”                         
A.Kahhar st. 6 apt., 57,
100025 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Tel.: (+998 97) 440 9440
Tel.: (+998 97) 405 2677
 Fax: (+998 71) 255 0599
NameRepublic of Uzbekistan
Area447,400 sq km, land – 425,400 sq km, water – 22,000 sq km
Population27 million (as of 2010)
Ethnic groups80% Uzbek, 5% Russian, 5% Tajik, 3% Kazakh, and 7% others
LanguagesUzbek (native), Russian (majority), Tajik, Karakalpak
MoneySum (see MONEY informer at the bottom of the page for exchange rates)
Country phone code998
Greeting phrasesHello (Assalomu aleikum), Thank you (rakhmat), Good bye (khayr)

National Flag

The National flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved at the 17th Extraordinary Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on November 18, 1991. The National flag and its symbols portray the historical links with the country which have existed in the past within the borders of modern Uzbekistan and represent the national and cultural traditions of the republic.
                                                  Uzbekistan flag.png

  • The blue color on the flag is a symbol of the eternal sky and life-giving water, which reflect the essence of life. In symbolic language it represents goodness, wisdom, honesty, glory and loyalty. Consequently, the color of Amir Timur’s state flag was also blue.
  • The white color on the flag, symbolizing holy peace, harmonizes with the illumination of the day and the sources of light in the universe. The color white is a symbol of purity, transparency, innocence, the cleanliness of desires and dreams, and a striving for inner beauty.
  • The green color is a symbol of the renewal of nature. In quite a few nations, it is considered to be a symbol of youth, hope and joy.
  • The red stripes are tributaries of the power of life that flows in our bodies.
  • The depiction of a youthful crescent moon is connected with our historical traditions. At the same time it is a symbol of the independence which we have obtained.
  • Stars are considered as spiritual, divine symbol for all nations. The 12 stars depicted on the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan are also directly connected with our historical traditions, with the ancient calendar-cycle of the sun. Our attention to the 12 stars is also explained by the development of astronomy in the scientific thought of the ancient states within the borders of Uzbekistan. It is necessary to understand the depiction of 12 stars on our state flag as a symbol of the antiquity of the culture of the Uzbek people, its maturity and striving for happiness in its land.

Uzbekistan emblem.png

State Emblem

The state emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved at the 10th Session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, on July 2, 1992. The emblem consists of a depiction of a shining sun rising over a flourishing valley, with ears of wheat on the right side and open cotton bolls on the left side, placed in a circle around the picture. At the top of the emblem, an eight-pointed star is depicted as a symbol of unity the crescent moon and star inside the eight-pointed star are symbols of blessing for Muslims. In the middle, the legendary bird of happiness, a symbol of generosity and self-sacrifice, spreads its wings. This symbol expresses the hopes and dreams that are on our people's path of peace, goodness, happiness and abundance. At the bottom, the word "Uzbekistan" is written on a three-colored circular band representing the national flag of the republic.

National Anthem

The National Anthem of the Republic of Uzbekistan was composed by Mutal Burhanov, and lyrics written by Abdulla Aripov.
Listen to Anthem Uzbekistan Anthem.
Serquyosh, hur o‘lkam, elga baxt, najot,
Sen o‘zing do‘stlarga yo‘ldosh, mehribon!
Yashnagay to abad ilmu fan, ijod,
Shuhrating porlasin toki bor jahon!

Oltin bu vodiylar - jon O‘zbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulug‘ xalq qudrati jo‘sh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!

Bag‘ri keng o‘zbekning o‘chmas iymoni,
Erkin, yosh avlodlar senga zo‘r qanot!
Istiqlol mash’ali, tinchlik posboni,
Haqsevar, ona yurt, mangu bo‘l obod!

Oltin bu vodiylar - jon O‘zbekiston,
Ajdodlar mardona ruhi senga yor!
Ulug‘ xalq qudrati jo‘sh urgan zamon,
Olamni mahliyo aylagan diyor!
English translation
My sunny free land, happiness and salvation to your people,
You are a warmhearted companion to your friends!
Flourish forever with learning and creativity,
May your glory shine as long as the world exists!

These golden valleys – dear Uzbekistan,
The courageous spirit of your ancestors is with you!
When the great power of the people raged,
(You were) the country that charmed the world!

The faith of an open-hearted Uzbek does not die out,
The young free generation is a strong wing for you!
Beacon of independence, guardian of peace,
Lover of truth, motherland, flourish forever!

These golden valleys – dear Uzbekistan,
The courageous spirit of your ancestors is with you!
When the great power of the people raged,
(You were) the country that charmed the world!

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