Wednesday, September 11, 2013

UAE releases 100 houbara bustards into Uzbekistan

UAE releases 100 houbara bustards into Uzbekistan
Under the auspices of Saif bin Zayed
UAE releases 100 houbara bustards into Uzbekistan

Under the auspices of Lt. General H.H Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minster and Minster of Interior, the Emirates Center for Wildlife Propagation (ECWP) has released 100 captive-bred houbara bustards into the wild of Bukhara in Uzbekistan as part of a programme to release 350 birds.
Sheikh Saif said the move underscores President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan's unstinted support for conservation of the environment and heritage.

Sheikh Saif praised the efforts of General HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of UAE Armed Forces in the conservation and breeding of houbara bustards.

 ''The release of the bird forms an important component of the UAE civilisational and humanitarian strategy based on the far-sighted vision and forward environmental initiatives of the late Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. We are proud today that these birds will never extinct and their population is increasing rapidly,''he added.
The birds were fitted with satellite transmitters to monitor their journey and adaptation to natural habitats.
The UAE Houbara Captive Breeding programme aims at propagating the bird in captivity so as to increase their population.

The Houbara Bustard is found in the Canary Islands, North Africa, Egypt, Arab Peninsula China and Central Asia. It breeds in deserts and other very arid sandy areas and is largely resident within its range.

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